- "...strips away the bling, farkle, and ego to reveal the true nature of motorcycle travel and the joys that come with exploring the world"
- Overland Journal, Spring 2021 - These human-scale books, written and published by people who genuinely know and love their subject, are perfect for travels post-pandemic recovery.
- The Guardian, March 2021 - Theres practical advice everywhere, all gained through Scotts own years of adventure travels.
- Adventure Rider, October 2020 (USA) - This is THE book for anyone planning to go on a motorcycle adventure.
- Motorcycle Sport & Leisure, September 2020 - Essential reading for anyone planning a trip big or small
- Geoff Hill, Daily Mirror, July 2020 - Its the bible for bikers with itchy feet.
- Daily Star Sunday, July 2020 - Adventure Motorcycling Handbook is essential reading for all travelling riders.
- RUST Motorcycle Magazine, July 2020 - Whether your next adventure will be in Afghanistan or Alabama, these two reference guides (Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, Overlanders Handbook) are a great place to start.
- Overland Journal, 2018 (USA) - not just essential motorcycle adventure research, its essential motorcycle adventure literature reading.
- The Riders - There is simply no other resource with such a broad spectrum of traveling wisdom – mechanical, cultural, and anecdotal.
- Adventure Motorcycle Magazine (USA) - A fountain of knowledge
- Adventure Bike Rider - if you only ever buy one book on adventure riding then make it this one.
- Rust 8 - Top 10 of greatest moments in adventure motorcycling
- Adventure Bike Rider - hugely inspirational and always gives me a little shiver of excitement when I open it
- Overland Magazine - The book the serious travellers refer to
- Ride - The first thing we did was buy the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook
- Ewan McGregor, The Long Way Round - Fortunately, I had Chris Scotts indispensible Adventure Motorcycling Handbook up my sleeve, which clearly outlines the unwritten rules.
- Dan Walsh [in the Sahara], Bike magazine 500th issue (Dec 2014) - of those essential volumes that belongs on every bikers bookshelf.
- The Riders Digest - without a doubt the best adventure motorcycling reference book available
- Adventure Rider, Kiwi Steve - ... all you need to know about adventuring by bike
- Adventure Bike Rider - If youre planning an overland adventure the AMH should be on your checklist right next to motorcycle and passport.
- Trailbike Magazine - ...vital reading for anyone contemplating an overland adventure.
- Motorcycle Mojo (USA) - Most highly recommended.
- Overland Expo, USA - every biker would do well to read this book even if no trips are planned - because I defy anyone not to have a plan, or the urge to plan, once you reach the back cover.
- London Bikers - ...a brilliantly informative, yet entertaining read for any motorcyclist with a dash of wanderlust.
- Motorcycle Monthly - This is one of those must have books
- Overland magazine - ... a gritty, honest, hard won review of what actually works and what you really need to ride a motorcycle overland.
- Overland International (USA) - (AMH6) is just about the most comprehensive travel book I have ever read.
- Adventure Rider - ˜The book that I can say, without exaggeration, helped to change my life
- Lois Pryce, Overland Journal (USA) - ˜Whether youre just dreaming of an adventure, or youve already started planning, you must read this book ... Chris Scotts a veteran of serious travel.
- Bike Magazine (UK) - The first edition of the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook ... inspired motorcyclists across the world and launched the motorcycle websites that today bring bikers together to share information and plan their overland adventures.
- The Daily Telegraph - This book has, pound for pound, more hard facts and information about international motorcycle touring than anything else around
- webBikeWorld