David Lesondak BCSI ATSI FST VMT FFT IAHE is a member of the allied health professional staff in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). He is a board-certified structural integrator, visceral manipulator, fascial stretch therapist, and more. His first book, Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters, now available in nine languages, led to his being asked to architect and edit the first-ever textbook on fascia designed for the medical and healthcare field - Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications. His most recent venture is the podcast BodyTalk with David Lesondak. Helping people recover their resilience and live a more pain-free life is at the heart of his clinical work. His personal need to understand why things work and why sometimes they dont drives his continuing search for the latest scientific knowledge and innovative approaches. Before entering the healthcare field in 1991 Davids various career incarnations were in television, advertising and the funeral arts. These included a stint over more than a decade as a DJ on WYEP-FM in Pittsburgh. He maintains an avid interest in music and can be heard at Pittsburghs singer/songwriter Open Mic scene.