Harry Hudson is a history teacher at a state secondary school in West London. He graduated from Cambridge University with a double first in Classics, and has written for a range of media outlets, including The Times, The Telegraph and The Spectator. Roy Blatchford CBE is a former headteacher, HMI and founder of the National Education Trust. He was the lead author of the Teachers' Standards. Roy is currently director of www.blinks.education - working in the UK and internationally.
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As the authors of this uplifting book say: "Let the fightback begin". For too many years, it's been a tiresome cliche to say that the teaching profession needs higher status. Now here's a call-to-arms explaining why it matters so much - and, most importantly, how to achieve it. Stand by for practical, achievable inspiration. -- Geoff Barton * General Secretary, Association of School & College Leaders *