Nobody forgets Sandhurst. The outside perception is one of pure professionalism, organisation, resilience and, dare I say, military efficiency. It's all those things. But that isn't what makes Sandhurst unique. This is a story of when reality meets perception and overachieving instructors meet underperforming cadets. There's the stuff you'd expect from army officer training: parades, marching, making beds, shining, saluting, shouting, standing up straight and serving your country. But this is a story about people, relationships, idiosyncrasies, laughter, contradictions, chaos and the frantic existence below the serene surface. It's Hogwarts with guns, playing the game, 140-hour weeks, half- smoked cigarettes, five minutes before five minutes and getting on and off that bloody bus. So prepare your ironing board, get on the line and welcome to the fi nest military academy in the world.