Clinical Specialties


Medical student revision guide

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By Rebecca Richardson, Ricky Ellis
Release Date:
290 x 210 mm
800 g

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Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Peer reviewers; General abbreviations Chapter 1: Community-based medicine Asthma; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Hypertension; Atrial fibrillation; Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; Peptic ulcer disease; Irritable bowel syndrome; Hyperthyroidism; Hypothyroidism; Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Infectious disease in the community; Miscellaneous community-based medicine Chapter 2: Geriatric medicine Gerontology; Dementia; Delirium; Parkinson's disease; Later life depression; Incontinence; Falls in the elderly; Osteoporosis; Nutrition in later life; Pressure ulcers; Ethics and end-of-life decisions; Elder abuse Chapter 3: Gynaecology Abnormalities of the uterus; Disorders of the ovaries; Disorders of the vulva & vagina; Conditions of the cervix; Gynae-oncology; The menstrual cycle; Subfertility; Menopause; Urogynaecology; Contraception; Unintended pregnancy & abortion; Genital tract infections; Infections of the uterus & pelvis Chapter 4: Obstetrics Antenatal care; Congenital abnormalities; Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy; Glycaemic disorders in pregnancy; Other maternal disease in pregnancy; Early pregnancy problems; Late pregnancy problems; Multiple pregnancies; Mechanism of labour; Management of labour; Labour complications; Obstetric emergencies; Fetal monitoring; The puerperium; Post-partum problems Chapter 5: Paediatrics Neonatology; Genetics & syndromes; Growth & puberty; Gastroenterology; Infection & immunology; Haematology; Paediatric oncology; Nephrology; Cardiovascular; Respiratory; Neurology; Musculoskeletal; Surgery; Community paediatrics; Child & adolescent mental health; Safeguarding & abuse; Emergency paediatrics Chapter 6: Psychiatry Mental Health Act; Alcohol & substance misuse; Depression; Anxiety disorders; Reactions to stress & trauma; Health anxiety & somatisation; Personality disorders; Psychosis & schizophrenia; Mania & bipolar affective disorder; Antipsychotics; Psychiatric emergencies; Child & adolescent psychiatry; Eating disorders; Intellectual disability; Perinatal psychiatry Chapter 7: Dermatology Psoriasis; Acne vulgaris; Eczema; Skin infestations; Bacterial skin infections; Viral skin infections; Fungal skin infections; Melanocytic (pigmented) lesions; Non-melanocytic lesions; Dermatological manifestations of systemic disease; Drug eruptions Chapter 8: Ear, nose and throat Head & neck malignancy; Dysphagia; Salivary glands; Throat infections; Airway obstruction; Sleep apnoea; The larynx & voice disorders; Outer ear problems; Middle ear problems; Inner ear problems; Hearing assessment; Rhinosinusitis; Emergency presentations; Facial palsies Chapter 9: Ophthalmology Acute painless vision loss; Neuro-ophthalmology; Acute red eye; Miscellaneous acute ocular problems; Diabetic eye disease; Age-related macular degeneration; Cataracts; Glaucoma; Refractive errors; Orthoptics; Visual fields Chapter 10: Anaesthetics Anaesthetics overview; Pre-operative assessment; Post-operative care Chapter 11: Palliative care Key principles of palliative care Figure acknowledgements

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