Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the authors; Peer reviewers; General abbreviations; How to use this book Chapter 1: Cardiology Acute coronary syndrome; Chronic stable angina; Heart valve disease; Infective endocarditis; Congestive cardiac failure; Acute pulmonary oedema; Syncope; Atrial fibrillation; Miscellaneous cardiac onditions Chapter 2: Endocrinology Diabetes mellitus; Pituitary disorders; Adrenal disease; Thyroid disease; Parathyroid disease; Sodium imbalance Chapter 3: Gastroenterology Clinical nutrition; Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; Peptic ulcer disease; Obesity; Gastro-intestinal haemorrhage; Dysphagia; Oesophageal cancer; Gastric cancer; Coeliac disease; Acute diarrhoea; Irritable bowel syndrome; Inflammatory bowel disease Chapter 4: Hepato-pancreato-biliary Hepatitis; Ascites; Liver neoplasms; Chronic pancreatitis; Haemochromatosis; The spleen; Jaundice; Gallbladder disease; Pancreatic neoplasms Chapter 5: Haematology Haematological lineage; Anaemia overview; Anaemia from reduced RBC production; Haemolytic anaemias; Thalassaemias; Sickle cell disease; Pancytopenia; Myeloproliferative disorders; Multiple myeloma; Leukaemia; Lymphoma; Haemostasis; Coagulation disorders; Investigating bleeding problems; Blood transfusion Chapter 6: Immunology & Allergy Allergic disorders; Autoimmune & immunodeficiency disorders Chapter 7: Neurology Nervous system structure & function Areas of the brain, Vision; Spinal cord tracts Nervous system investigations Lumbar puncture; Imaging with CT & MRI Acute neurological disease Acute spinal problems; Neuromuscular emergencies; Acute hydrocephalus; Cortical venous sinus thrombosis; Neuro-oncology; CNS infection; Brain abscess Long-term neurological conditions Multiple sclerosis; Epilepsy; Neuropathies; Motor neurone disease; Myasthenia gravis; Myopathies; Essential tremor; Headaches Chapter 8: Renal Acute kidney injury (AKI); Chronic kidney disease (CKD); Glomerular disease; Urinary tract infection (UTI); Haematuria Chapter 9: Respiratory Respiratory failure; Pneumothorax; Pleural effusion; Pneumonia; Tuberculosis; Covid-19; Asthma; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Bronchiectasis; Sleep apnoea; Cystic fibrosis; Lung cancer; Sarcoidosis; Interstitial lung disease; Occupational lung disease Chapter 10: General surgical principles Wound healing; Post-operative care; Post-operative assessment; Fluid therapy Chapter 11: The acute abdomen General overview; Acute pancreatitis; Acute appendicitis; Meckel's diverticulum; Diverticular disease; Gastrointestinal perforation; Intestinal obstruction; Hernias Chapter 12: Gastrointestinal surgery Perianal disease; Colorectal cancer; Anal cancer Chapter 13: The breast Breast conditions Chapter 14: Vascular surgery Hypertension; Carotid artery disease; Aneurysms; Acute aortic syndromes; Chronic peripheral arterial disease; Acute limb ischaemia; Amputation; Vasospastic disorders; Thoracic outlet syndrome; Varicose veins; Leg ulcers; Venous thromboembolic disease; Lymphoedema Chapter 15: Urology Stone disease (nephrolithiasis); Urinary tract malignancy; Bladder outlet obstruction; Bladder trauma; Scrotal lumps; Testicular tumours; Conditions of the penis Chapter 16: Critical illness The critically ill patient; The semi-conscious/unconscious patient; Organ support Chapter 17: Emergency presentations Acid-base disorders; Electrolyte abnormalities; Overdoses; Seizures; Sepsis; Shock; Life-threatening arrhythmia; Cardiac arrest; Specific presentations Chapter 18: Rheumatology Regional periarticular pain; Neck & back pain; Peripheral nerve entrapment; Fibromyalgia; Crystal-associated arthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Seronegative spondyloarthritis; Multisystem connective tissue disease; Systemic vasculitis; Polymyalgia rheumatica; Miscellaneous musculoskeletal conditions Chapter 19: Trauma & orthopaedics Musculoskeletal conditions Bone & joint infection; Musculoskeletal malignancy; Diseases of the bone; Osteoarthritis Trauma Primary survey; Secondary survey; Head injuries; Spinal cord injury; Chest injuries; Major haemorrhage; Burns Fractures General fracture principles; Common paediatric fractures Figure acknowledgements; Index of conditions
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The perfect revision guide for medical school ?'The layout of this book is incredible. It is divided logically into medical and surgical specialities so locating the information you need is simple.' Amazon reviewer Amazing textbook! 'The content is laid out so clearly, and the different chapters really highlight the key information you need to pay attention to. Definitely a textbook I will keep through my junior doctor years to continue helping me!' Amazon reviewer A MUST HAVE for every medical student!! ?'This is the best revision guide I have come across!! The unique style and layout makes this an effective resource making revision enjoyable. With intelligent use of colour, diagrams and summary tables- information is presented in a visually appealing manner making it easy to understand and retain the important points.' Amazon reviewer Perfect for medical students on clinical placement. 'This book is really well written, with easy to read colour coded guidelines from relevant and up to date sources. This book summarises complex conditions in a concise way without omitting important details. I will be coming back to this book time and time again, especially on clinical placement!' Amazon reviewer Great Revision Guide! ?'This is such a wonderful revision guide for medical students and junior doctors. It is well-written and beautifully presented. I would highly recommend it.' Amazon reviewer Fantastic book, definitely worth buying 'The book contents have been organised in a way that really helps follow the current curriculum taught at med school. The content is concise and specific and contains all the relevant information. I tend to use this book more than the lectures.' Amazon reviewer Fantastic condense, colour coded textbook 'This textbook has all the pertinent information you need for medical school in a condensed and visually appealing format. With handy acronyms to help remember information, it has been my primary source for my final year of medical school and I couldn't recommend it enough to other medical students!' Amazon reviewer Great simple medical guide for medical students as well as junior doctors 'Would highly recommend this book to any medical student at any stage in their degree as well as junior doctors! The layout is so easily digestible and the breadth of information covered makes it ideal for a quick reminder of knowledge between shifts!' Amazon reviewer Perfect resource for med students & junior drs! 'Really helpful study guide for medical students. I used these notes (in their old form) to help me through my final year of medical school, they were essential for me to pass my finals. Now that I'm a junior doctor they are still invaluable, such a great resource to refer back to, and actually really useful to help me when I'm teaching medical students :) would recommend to anyone at medical school / junior doctors / medical exam takers!' Amazon reviewer So useful! Couldn't get through med school without it! 'I bought both books on another website, but I HAD to review them to let people know just how useful these books are. I borrowed the original print from a friend during previous exams and they are so well laid out, providing excellent summaries on such a range of subjects. When I saw there was a re print I knew I had to get them. If you thought the originals were good, wait until you see these!!!! I will be using them throughout my revision for finals. They are so easy to use, understand and revise from. Becky really knows how to get you the key information, add in snippets of information and leave you feeling more confident. Regardless of what you study, these books would be useful to you! Worth every penny.' Amazon reviewer Clear, Concise & Brilliant 'Visual, clear and concise evidence based summaries. Brilliant for all healthcare professionals and students, I use them every day.' Amazon reviewer Excellent and Engaging! 'I love this book! It's so clear and concise. It's easy to follow with smart colour-coding, highlighting, among other formatting techniques! Makes you want to study medicine, which is saying something. Definitely recommend buying this!' Amazon reviewer