In 1978, in their home town of Hawthorne, California, Jeff McDonald founded the band that went on to become the American rock group Redd Kross with his brother Steve, who was still in middle school. In 1978, whilst still in middle school in his home town of Hawthorne, California, Steve McDonald founded the band that went on to become the American rock group Redd Kross with his brother Jeff. Dan Epstein is an award-winning journalist who has written about music and pop culture for Rolling Stone, Guitar World, Revolver, FLOOD, the Jewish Daily Forward and dozens of other publications. He has written and produced music-related TV shows for VH-1 and AXS-TV, and has appeared in numerous documentary films on music- and sports-related subjects. He is the author of several acclaimed books on baseball history, including Big Hair & Plastic Grass: A Funky Ride Through Baseball and America in the Swinging '70s, and served as the editorial director of Stompbox: 100 Pedals of the World's Greatest Guitarists.