Compact Field Guide to Australian Birds


The complete pocket-sized reference

Sale price$34.99

By: By Michael Morcombe
Release Date:


Michael Morcombe, a passionate bird enthusiast since high school, transitioned from bird photography to studying birds themselves, recording their behaviours and habitats. His career as a photographer and author flourished with over forty titles, including renowned works like Birds of Australia. Encountering challenges in capturing perfect shots, he honed his skills in sketching and painting birds while refining his ideas for an authoritative bird guide. His dedication culminated in the creation of the Field Guide to Australian Birds, praised for its ease of use and comprehensive coverage. Morcombe's contributions earned him accolades such as the NSW Royal Zoological Society’s Whitley Award and the 1969 C.J. Dennis award.

IntroductionWarblers, Grassbirds, Spinifexbird, Cisticolas, Sparrows, Wagtails, Pipits, Feral FinchesThrushes, Flycatchers, Starlings, Swallows, Martins, White-eyes, Mistletoebird, SunbirdRiflebirds, Manucode, Ravens, Crows, Chough, Apostlebird, Catbirds, BowerbirdsTrillers, Cuckoo-shrikes, Cicadabird, Orioles, Figbird, Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Magpie, CurrawongsMonarch Flycatchers, Boatbill, Fantails, Willie Wagtail, Drongo, Magpie-larkWhipbirds, Wedgebills, Quail-thrushes, Sittella, Bellbird, Shrike-tit, Whistlers, Shrike-thrushesScrub-robins, Robins, Flycatchers, Logrunner, Chowchilla, BabblersWattlebirds, Friarbirds, Honeyeaters, Miners, Spinebills, Chats, GibberbirdPardalotes, Scrubwrens, Heathwrens, Fieldwrens, Redthroat, Gerygones, Thornbills, WhitefacesFairy-wrens, Emu-wrens, Grasswrens Pittas, Lyrebirds, Scrub-birds, Bristlebirds, Treecreepers Swifts, Kingfishers, Bee-eater, Dollarbird Cuckoos, Coucal, Owls, Frogmouths, Nightjars Cockatoos, Lorikeets, Parrots, Rosellas Doves, Pigeons Skuas, Jaegers, Gulls, Terns, Noddies Phalaropes, Jacanas, Stone-curlews, Stilts, Pratincoles, Oystercatchers, Plovers, Dotterels, LapwingsButton-quails, Snipes, Dowitchers, Godwits, Curlews, Shanks, Yellowlegs, Sandpipers, Knots, Tattlers, Sanderling, StintsMoorhen, Swamphen, Native-hens, Coot, Bush-hen, Crakes, Rails, BustardOsprey, Kites, Eagles, Buzzard, Harriers, Baza, Sparrowhawk, Goshawks, Kestrel, Hobby, FalconsEgrets, Herons, Bitterns, Spoonbills, Ibises, Stork, Cranes Tropicbirds, Boobies, Darter, Cormorants, Pelican, Gannets, FrigatebirdsPetrels, Shearwaters, Prions, Albatrosses, Storm-Petrels, Diving PetrelsGeese, Swans, Ducks, Grebes, Penguins Emu, Cassowary, Megapodes, Quails Finches, Firetails, Mannikins

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