Most information workers are expelling incredible amounts of energy to deliver their day-to-day work. Staff are working furiously sharing information over email, Excel and a share drive that are very old technologies. Technology is developing faster and faster; in people's personal lives they are getting more done, more effortlessly, from any device, anywhere they like. And yet at work, it's like going back in time, back to a world where it's really hard to achieve anything. Many people think that this is just the way it is - they are used to working in this cumbersome, ploddy, inefficient way. But for others, especially younger generations, they will not accept this. Having worked for over 22 years in technology in companies like Apple, Optus and Commonwealth Bank across Ireland, Sydney and New York, and launching successful Microsoft technology consultancy WebVine in 2010, Marcus Dervin understands how to bridge the gap between where companies are and where they could be. So how can companies make the enormous leap from where they are now, to become efficient, collaborative workplaces? Where do you even begin? It can be quite overwhelming. Who should drive it, how to measure it, what is the ROI, where to focus, and much more. Often companies: - Rely on internal IT to lead the way - Have IT departments that are overworked, under-resourced, and don't have the experience - Roll out products to the business that are underutilised - Try to lock down the technology and devices people use but fail - Don't understand what collaboration really means. When companies do try to introduce digital transformation technologies they often: - Assume that rolling it out is all they need to do - Don't focus on business benefits - Don't have executive buy-in - Don't understand what people really need. In this book are the 9 Pillars of a Digital Workplace, and the 6 I's of Digital Transformation. These principles and methodologies are based on common sense, but it's amazing how few companies employ them. This book shows you how to digitally transform your organisation to deliver greater business outcomes. Marcus has led WebVine to deliver numerous successful initiatives for companies like Commonwealth Bank, LJ Hooker, Santos and Macquarie Bank. Through this framework your organisation can flourish into a collaborative workplace that is productive and gives more meaning to staff. If your company feels it has greater capability, and doesn't know how to achieve it with the help of technology, then read this book today.