How to Utilize The Caring Spirit Training Program and Guidebook; Why a Spiritual Approach to Training? Understanding Spirituality and Your Spiritual Self; Creating a More Spiritual Work Environment; Why the Work They Do Is a Blessing; Inspiration: How it Affects Staff and Those for Whom They Care; Spiritual Approaches to Caring for Elders; The Angels Are with You: Sources of Strength for the Work We Do; Spiritual Ways to Cope with Stress; Communicating from the Heart: A Spiritual Way Towards Healthier Communication; Rituals: How They Help People Stay Connected to Their Culture, Their Past and Themselves; Taking Care of Your Spirit: The Caring Spirit Way! Caring from a Spiritual Way: Why it Matters; Helping Families Connect from Their Hearts: A Spiritual Way Towards Healthier Communication; Spiritual Approaches to Stress; Helping Your Family Member ""Finish Well