Seljuk Cuisine

BLUE DOME PRESSISBN: 9781935295549

A Chef's Quest for His Soulmate

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By OEmuer Akkor
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Omur Akkor is a gourmet chef, was born in Kilis, Turkey, a town known with its rich cuisine. He researches the local and forgotten cuisines of Turkey and has visited hundreds of cities and towns within Turkey as part of his study of historical and contemporary recipes from Turkish cuisine. His book, The Cuisine of Bursa, won the Gourmand World Cookbook Award and the Best Local Cuisine Book Award in 2009. Akkor also won the Gourmand Cookbook Award for Best Culinary History Cookbook in 2012, and the Best Corporate Book in 2014. He lives in Istanbul, Turkey.


Akkor (Ottoman Cuisine) is a chef and food historian, who has researched and re-created lost cookery from the forgotten corners of Turkey's history. This volume on Seljuk cooking begins with stories from the year 1236 and the dishes prepared for the dervish lodge. Readers are immediately transported to the 13th century, as Akkor concentrates on the importance of food to the culture. Descriptions of the preparations for iftar (the fast-breaking dinner) for Ramadan at the Kubadabad Palace include a discussion of the method of preparing stale bread for the tirit with lentils and sugar by a kitchen worker, who narrates his developing understanding of cookery and palace life. These stories are followed by the author's, as he researches and connects to the ancient cuisine. --Akkor features recipes for soups, snacks, banquet dishes, desserts, sherbets, and drinks. The recipes are simple, and, apart from the odd sheep's head, easily obtainable, but are the authentic foods of the Seljuk empires. VERDICT This unique cookbook with beautiful illustrations will be a welcome companion to Turkish-studies collections and an unusual addition to cookbook collections. -- Melissa Stearns, Franklin Pierce Univ. Lib., Rindge, NH Library Journal

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