A former entertainment columnist for The Miami Herald, film historian Darwin Porter is the most prolific and widely reviewed author of show-biz biographies in the world. Formerly employed by the Paris Bureau of the New York Times and later, as co-author of many of The Frommer Guides, Prince is the president of Blood Moon Productions, a New York City-based publishing enterprise committed to salvaging and recording the oral histories of America's entertainment industry. He's also the award-winning innkeeper of a historic and media-centric AirBnb in New York City, MagnoliaHouseSaintGeorge.com.
"This is high celebrity gossip at its best...strengthened by interview quotes, personal connections, and a personal familiarity with the entertainment industry that no outsider could have adequately conveyed. Blending autobiography with industry history, it's especially recommended for enthusiasts of vintage Hollywood and Broadway social and cultural history. Fans of celebrity gossip will relish the atmosphere, detail, and in-depth insights on personalities captured in this lively romp." Diane Donovan, for California Bookwatch and The Midwest Book Review. ***** "I had the distinct pleasure of staying at Magnolia House on Staten Island in 2010, on my first trip to NYC, at the behest of Danforth Prince and Darwin Porter, and I do not exaggerate when I say I was enchanted the minute I walked through the door. Built in the mid-1800s and packed to the rafters with every book ever printed on movies and its stars, this is the ideal home for the notorious Blood Moon Productions and a must-stay air B&B for film, art, and pop culture buffs. It should be as well known as the Chelsea Hotel right across the bay, for the number of famous and infamous guests and residents, and Glamor, Glitz, and Gossip is certainly the ultimate if-these-walls-could-talk collection of show biz histories too outrageous not to be real. It's a packed digest of Blood Moon's previous dishy and irresistible bios, and the perfect intro to the work of the obvious heir to Hollywood Babylon's salacious legacy." Maggie Bloodstone, Seattle Gay News