Safely integrate complementary, alternative, and lifestyle medicine with conventional medicine in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. For many with Parkinson's disease, adding complementary, alternative, and lifestyle therapies to a care plan can result in symptom relief and a higher quality of life without compromising conventional treatment. Written by a board-certified neurologist and expert in mind-body medicine, Optimal Health with Parkinson's Disease provides a thorough and up-to-date guide to a variety of therapies so that you and your health care team can make informed decisions to help you achieve optimal health. Key Features:* Learn the benefits of a holistic approach* Find effective, low risk therapies for symptom relief such as tremor, muscle rigidity, depression, constipation, and insomnia* Understand the pros and cons of popular diet and exercise approaches* Determine which integrative therapies are best for you* Personalize your treatment plan to help meet your goals