Spaced Retrieval Step by Step


An Evidence-Based Memory Intervention

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By Jeanette E. Benigas, Jennifer A. Brush, Gail Elliot
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Jeanette E. Benigas, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, is Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at West Chester University (Pennsylvania). She has worked extensively as a speech-language pathologist in a variety of settings.

Jennifer A. Brush, M.A., CCC-SLP, is a nationally recognized speech-language pathologist known for her work in the areas of memory and environmental interventions for people with dementia.

Gail M. Elliot, B.A.Sc., M.A., is a gerontologist and dementia specialist, as well as Founder and CEO of DementiAbility Enterprises, Inc., an organization that connects research with practice through education and the development and provision of resources for the field of dementia.

Dementia care has become a very staggering issue in Japan as the population of over-65-year olds now comprises more than 25% of the total population. This is an unprecedentedly high ratio that no other country in the world has ever experienced. Step-by-step descriptions of the SR technique, together with a variety of case studies outlined in this book, will definitely help implement effective care for people with memory loss in many countries with different cultures facing similar aging issues. -- Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Sciences ― Reviews Published On: 2015-12-07

As a Montessorian focused on care for the aging, this is a must read. Spaced Retrieval Step by Step has been needed for a long time, and I celebrate its arrival. The ability to change lives by improving quality of life for persons living with dementia and their caregivers is within the pages of this fabulous book. With a technique that is easy for anybody to learn and with the potential to achieve amazing outcomes, this is one of the most powerful books ever written to help people living with dementia do so with dignity, respect, and independence. -- Montessori Ageing Support Services ― Reviews Published On: 2015-12-07

“Spaced Retrieval Step by Step is an updated and expanded version of the highly popular 1998 spaced retrieval training manual published by Jennifer Brush and Cameron Camp. [Authors] Benigas, Brush, and Elliot describe theoretical foundations of SR training and, as promised by the title, walk the reader through each step of the SR training process. They provide plenty of examples and explanations, and frame SR in the context of everyday life goals of people with memory impairments. The authors explain how SR can be used to train use of a variety of memory aids, showing the utility of SR methods across training targets. This detailed and practical manual will be a staple for clinicians.” -- University of Wisconsin-Madison ― Reviews Published On: 2016-02-10

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