Cato Supreme Court Review 2013-2014


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By: Ilya Shapiro
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Topics & Contributors for the 2013-2014 CSCR FOREWORD - The Review's publisher examines the tension between constitutional principle and constitutional politics. By Roger Pilon CAMPAIGN FINANCE - McCutcheon v. FEC - Is the government justified in limiting the total amount that someone can donate to political campaigns if that person complies with each donation limit? By Allen Dickerson SATIRE, TRUTHINESS, AND ELECTIONS - Susan B. Anthony List v. Dreihaus - Ohio criminalizes making false statements about political candidates. By Ilya Shapiro OBAMACARE MANDATES & RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood v. Sebelius - Can private businesses be forced to provide contraceptives that violate their owners' religious beliefs? By Richard A. Epstein SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE - Town of Greece v. Galloway - Can a town council open its sessions with a prayer? By Eric Rassbach NO-SPEECH BUFFER ZONES - McCullen v. Coakley - The First Amendment implications of a Massachusetts law restricting speech outside an abortion clinic. By Trevor Burrus RECESS APPOINTMENTS - NLRB v. Noel Canning - The dispute regarding appointments that Obama made when the Senate claimed it wasn't in recess. By Bryan J. Leitch AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action - Can a state's voters outlaw the use of racial preferences in university admissions? By David E. Bernstein TREATY POWER - Bond v. United States - The denouement of a curious saga involving adultery, federalism, and chemical weapons. By Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz LABOR LAW - Harris v. Quinn - Can Illinois force home healthcare aides to join public sector unions solely because they're compensated by state Medicaid programs? By Jacob Huebert CELL PHONE SEARCHES - Riley v. California and United States v. Wurie - How far can police go in searching the information stored on cell phones? By Andrew Pincus SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUDE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS - In this written version of last year's B. Kenneth Simon Memorial Lecture, Judge David B. Sentelle examines this much-misunderstood part of the First Amendment. LOOKING AHEAD - Noted Supreme Court advocate Miguel Estrada and Ashley S. Boizelle outline and predict the 2014-2015 term.

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