Carl Flentge Schalk is Distinguished Professor of Music Emeritus at Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois, where he teaches graduate courses in church music. Carl along with his wife Noel have 3 grown children and reside in Melrose Park, IL. Martin E. Marty is the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago, where he taught chiefly in the Divinity School for thirty-five years. He has published many books with Augsburg Books and Fortress Press including A Short History of Christianity (9780800619442), The Lord's Supper (9780806633398), Faith (9780806601328), Speaking of Trust (Lutheran Voices, 9780806649948) and with his son, Micah Marty, Places Along the Way (9780806627465) and Our Hope for Years to Come (9780806628363). He lives in Chicago.