Neal McCluskey is the director of Cato's Center for Educational Freedom. He is the author of the book Feds in the Classroom: How Big Government Corrupts, Cripples, and Compromises American Education and is co-editor of Educational Freedom: Remembering Andrew Coulson, Debating His Ideas. He also maintains Cato's Public Schooling Battle Map, an interactive database of values and identity-based conflicts in public schools.Todd J. Zywicki is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law, Senior Scholar of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and Senior Fellow at the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
"America's higher education system is, as one contributor to this volume correctly says, a 'mess.' It costs too much, delivers too little, and tends to exacerbate inequality rather than reduce it. The essays collected here go a long way to making clear what's wrong, and what should be done."--Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit and Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Tennessee College of Law "Unprofitable Schooling exposes the decline in productivity of American higher education and the growing scandal of student debt. For those willing to critically examine our educational challenges, it is must reading. The suggested reforms will be controversial, painful and productive."--Hank Brown, former United States senator (R-CO) and former president, University of Colorado Boulder