Bernard S. Black is the Nicholas D. Chabraja Professor at Northwestern University School of Law and Kellogg School of Management. He is also managing director of the Social Science Research Network and founding chairman of the annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies.David A. Hyman is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and a Professor of Law at Georgetown University. A doctor as well as a lawyer, Hyman is the coauthor of Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Healthcare.Myungho Paik is an associate professor at Hanyang University's College of Policy Science.William M. Sage is the James R. Dougherty Chair for Faculty Excellence at the School of Law and Professor of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School, University of Texas.Charles Silver, MA, JD, holds the Roy W. and Eugenia C. McDonald Endowed Chair in Civil Procedure at the University of Texas School of Law, where he teaches about civil litigation, health care policy, legal ethics, and insurance.