Thanks to the development of internet- and network-based information and communication systems, virtually every product and service produced today has a supply chain that extends around the globe. For the last twenty-five years, companies such as Wal-Mart, Dell, and Toyota have enjoyed strong competitive advantages in their respective markets as a result of their world-class supply chains. As the supply chain increasingly lengthens, managers at all levels of the organization must understand the unique challenges of working with suppliers and customers located around the world - -and the opportunities that can build new competitive advantages. This book will introduce readers at all levels of experience to cutting-edge methods and strategies for global sourcing and global distribution through the discussion of current research and case study vignettes from companies in every corner of the world. New to this edition: 1. The book contains a new emphasis on supply chain technology, mainly through Chapter Seven but also interspersed in other chapters where appropriate. 2. Most of the company vignettes will be updated to include more contemporary examples than I used in 2011 when the initial manuscript was written. 3. The book will contain discussion of new supply chain strategies such as omnichannel distribution and collaborative distribution that were in their infancy when the first edition was written.