Burton P. Hughes grew up in poverty and often sought to escape it, but he was always told: "That's not for you." As a child, after witnessing the near murder of his mother and also losing his revered older brother, Burton almost gave up. But his inner mettle and strength, hope and deep belief, helped him decide what was attainable for him.Due to his never-say-die work ethic, fierce intellect, and literal model good looks, he succeeded and got out of the slums. Then one tragic day he almost lost it all with a near-death experience, but he learned how much he had to live for: that people were out there waiting for him to lift them up.With his discovery of the Six Assets of Alignment, Burton began instructing his clients in the art of aligning their assets of Mindset, Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Network, helping many succeed, just as he had done.By fully implementing the Six Assets into his own life, Burton empowered himself to establish various businesses, to model for multiple media outlets, and to coach clients in reaching their life goals. He lives by the Six Assets every day and encourages people to follow his lead.