Donna B. McKinney lived most of her life in the Washington, D.C. area, where she worked at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, writing about science. Now she has another great job--writing books for kids, including her previous release titled Lights On. Donna currently lives in North Carolina with two full-of-mischief dogs. When she's not writing, she enjoys hiking, fishing, and playing a game called pickleball (kind of like a mix of tennis and ping pong). Born and bred in Kent, England, Fiona Osbaldstone loved painting as a kid and used to paint her own versions of Disney characters. She always wanted to do something with art and went to the Kent Institute of Art & Design. She was inspired by the works of David Shepherd and Norman Rockwell for their detail and diversely different styles. Her work includes natural history, botanicals, people, and scenes. Outside of the artistic field, although not too far removed, she loves pottery and makes and sells her own pieces. She enjoys photography as well as cycling but is "not too good at that and will invariably end up in a ditch."