Annelies Gisela Moeser is a graduate of Brite Divinity School and an independent researcher.
List of Figures and Tables Acknowledgments Chapter One: Constructing Markan Audiences Chapter Two: Readings of Mark by Clement of Alexandria and Richard Horsley Chapter Three: Oracles in Egypt Chapter Four: Processional Oracles and Reading Mark Chapter Five: Jesus the Oracle in the House in Capernaum Chapter Six: Jesus the Oracle from Capernaum to Jerusalem Chapter Seven: Conclusion Bibliography Selected Primary Sources Selected List of Papyri, Ostraca, Inscriptions, Coins, and Images
Mark's Gospel. Roman Egypt. Second-Third Century. Oracular Culture. Working with these elements, Annelies Gisela Moeser constructs the possible reception of Mark's Gospel in second-third century, Roman Egypt from the perspective of oracular culture. Sensitive to the dynamics of cultural-imperial society, social status, and gender, Moeser's creative method and rich reading provide insight into both Mark's Gospel and a somewhat elusive sphere and era of the early Jesus movement. -- Warren Carter, Phillips Theological Seminary