Lodestars Anthology: Pathways contains 14 of the best and most carefully selected paths and trails that we have traversed. This book explores and details those pathways, the people, the landscapes and the fascinating things we discovered along the way. The journeys we take have a start and an end point, but we, in this book, want to relish the bit in between. So whether this is a mountain pass in the Italian Alps where we meet highland shepherds, or sprawling, urban grids with a bevy of restaurants and contemporary design, we want to inspire the reader to follow these paths and take precious moments to engage in everything possible through their senses. The book is a guide to these pathways, but goes beyond this to capture and document the lives of the people we meet, the challenges of the trip and the culture and landscapes we find that inspire us to keep on adventuring. 1 A collection of pathways from around the world captured through compelling narrative, high quality photography and key guide points. 2 Documenting how to travel and how to experience everything from the start the end of a journey. 3 The people we meet, the places we discover, the sights we see and the paths we took to discover them.