Healing Affluenza and Resisting Plutocracy


Luke's Jesus and Sabbath Economics

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By Ched Myers, Foreword by Chuck Collins
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Ched Myers is an ecumenical activist theologian who has worked in social change movements for more than forty-five years. After graduate work in New Testament and two decades as an organizer, he has focused on publishing and popular education that animates Scripture and builds capacity for faith-rooted movements for peace and justice. He has written and taught widely about radical discipleship at the intersection of seminary, sanctuary, streets, and soil.

Introduction: Four Stories Part I Re-Orientation: Remembering Moses and the Prophets 1. The Church's First Catechism: Luke's Epilogue as Prologue (24:13-49) 2. Israel's First Catechism: Sabbath Economics 3. Luke's Prelude: Prophets Preparing for the Great Economy Part II Telling and Showing: Sabbath Economics in the First Half of Luke 4. Restoring Commonwealth 5. Centering the Marginalized 6. Practicing Mutual Aid 7. Praying for Transformation Part III Parables and Object Lessons: Sabbath Economics in the Second Half of Luke 8. Lessons from Latifundia and Lillies: First Rich Man Sequence 9. Lessons from Bodies and Banquets: Second Rich Man Sequence 10. Lessons from Improvisation and Dissent: Third Rich Man Sequence 11. Catechism of the Chasma Mega: Fourth Rich Man Sequence 12. Lessons from Power and Presumption: Fifth Rich Man Sequence 13. Healing Affluenza and Resisting Plutocracy: Final Rich Man Sequence Epilogue: Remembering Three Meals Appendix I: Strategies for Preaching Luke in Year C Appendix II: Resources for Personal and Political Sabbath Economics Practices


This book is for Christian revolutionary nerds--or, more precisely, for those who encounter God in the struggle for justice and in deep, searching engagement with the Bible. Myers's readable and learned account tracks close to the text, while setting it in the sort of wide-ranging conversation that illuminates its meaning for Jesus's time and our own. Strikingly, Myers uses movement wisdom to read the biblical text, and reads the biblical text for movement wisdom. He thus eschews easy answers (of the liberal or conservative kind), recovering instead Jesus's invitation to Sabbath Economics. I hope it will nourish and strengthen those seeking to accept it. --Lucila Crena, assistant professor of Christian ethics and public theology, Wesley Theological Seminary For more than a generation, Ched Myers has uniquely combined the tools of rigorous biblical and theological interpretation, critical social analysis, and movement-building for the sake of congregational renewal, social justice, and planetary healing. In this most recent book, Myers brings together themes that have marked his life's work--political economy, racial justice, decolonial discipleship, and ecological repair--in a clarion call for what King named "a radical revolution of values." The result is yet another brilliant and timely contribution from one of our most important scholar-activists: a summons to our seminaries and churches to follow Jesus by getting our hands in the soil and our feet on the ground, marching toward a freedom made possible only through shared abundance, generosity, and justice. --Timothy R. Eberhart, Robert and Marilyn Degler McClean Associate Professor of Ecological Theology and Practice, and director of the Center for Ecological Regeneration, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Ched Myers is the most astute and profound reader of the Scriptures of this generation! Again and again, he discerns previously unseen connections and implications. In his reading of Luke, he shows the way to practice Sabbath Economics in a world suffering from affluenza. This book is a continuous inspiration to reengage in personal and collective economic organization and action. --Richard Horsley, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts Boston; author of Jesus and Empire: The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder, Jesus and the Politics of Roman Palestine, and You Shall Not Bow Down and Serve Them: The Political Economic Projects of Jesus and Paul Jesus gave his first sermon in Nazareth, calling for a revival of the Jubilee Year. Myers gives convincing scholarly evidence for making this passage in Luke 4 the centerpiece of Jesus's teaching. He describes the social context of Luke's gospel in a vivid and convincing way. --Michael Hudson, author of . . . and forgive them their debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption from Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year Reaching back into the storied roots of the Torah and Prophets, Myers's insightful and illuminating exegesis probes the oppressive and dehumanizing economic injustices of the first century alongside our own wealth-dominated social and political context. The result is a vibrant picture of Jesus's radical vision for a community shaped by Sabbath Economics. Written with Myers's characteristic quick wit and steeped in wisdom learned from his lifetime of activism, this compelling reading of Luke will resonate with all who long for the biblical vision of Sabbath to renew creation and our world. --Sylvia C. Keesmaat, coauthor of Romans Disarmed: Resisting Empire, Demanding Justice

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